PRODUCT: Cut Flowers (July – October): Spray mum, asiatic/LA Lily, Sunflower, Celosia, Snapdragon. Potted Plants (Seasonal) – Crocus 4″; Daffodil 4″, 6″; Hyacinth 4″, 6″; Muscari 4″, 6″; Tulip 4″, 6″; Amaryllis 6″; Caladium 6″, 13″ planter mixed with fern; Pansy 6″, 13″ planter mixed with tulip or daffodil; New Guinea Impatiens 6″, 10″HB; Salvia 6″ – Dragon Wing Begonia 6″, 10″ HB; Garden Mums 6″; Shade Impatiens 10″ HB; Scaevola 10″ HB; Mixed Annuals 10″ HB; 1204 trays- Allysum, Wax Begonia, Shade Impatiens (DMR), Salvia and Marigold; Ornamental Kale/Cabbage 6”; Ornamental Pepper 4”, 6”
100,000 sq.ft., 9,290 sq. meters
Jacob Kralt, President - cell# (905) 961-7703
Peter Kralt, Secretary/Treasurer - cell# (905) 961-7663
(905) 659-7909