John Slaman Greenhouses Ltd.

212 Maple Avenue, RR#2, Burford, ON, Canada


(519) 449-3602

Slaman’s Quality Flowers provides top-grade cut Chrysanthemums and Lisianthus in a variety of colours to meet consumer needs year-round. Spray Pom choices include a full selection of colours in daisies, flats, spiders, buttons and novelties. Commercial mums are available in white and seasonal colours. Both poms and commercials are available in dyed colours as requested. Beautiful double Lisianthus are available in many colours year-round.


145,000 sq.ft., 13,471 sq. meters

Brian Slaman, Owner/Manager -

Theo Slaman, Production Manager -

Stephanie Slaman, Manager Administration & Government Relations -

(519) 449-1250

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