Creek Valley Gardens Inc.

198 Windham Road 4, RR1, La Salette, ON, N0E 1H0


(519) 879-6329

We grow Snapdragons year-round, and other seasonal cut flowers such as Sun Flowers, Flowering Kale, Peonies, Sedum, Hydrangeas, Cotinus (Smokebush), Ilex Verticillata (Winterberry), and Symphoricarpos (Snowberry). Check our website for more information.


160,000 sq.ft., 14,865 sq. meters

Dirk Schaap, President

Sales Cell # (519) 983-3371

Posted in Cabbage & Kale - Ornamental (Cut Flowers), Cotinus (Smokebush), Cut Flowers, Find a Grower, Hydrangea (Cut Flowers), Ilex Verticillata (Winterberry), Kale, Ontario Growers, Peonies (cut flowers), Search By Category, Sedum (Cut Flowers), Snapdragons (Cut Flowers), Sunflowers (Cut Flowers) and Symphoricarpus (Snowberry)